To encourage creativity and exploratory thinking in each student, Center for Research and Education of  the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (CED) has created a playground for children through drawing sessions. The drawings are created by our students, discovered by themselves through pictures on the internet or from the teacher.

For the preparatory students, the teacher would draw a model for them to draw along, or before the class, the teacher would ask the students' opinion about the topic or the image of animals, or things or events that they love to meet the need to expand their knowledge in their journey to the future. Today's drawing lesson was a cute panda holding a bamboo tree and playing by himself. Play on your own and stand up for yourself to integrate into society as quickly as possible through CED's training program.

Particularly for students in the STEM class, the teacher encouraged them to create their own images from their thoughts, logical thinking, or images collected on the internet to stimulate innovation in each of their works. The teacher adjusted the student's works through color matching or color selection so that their drawings became more vivid and true. The images of their tabby cats were gradually appearing. These works reminded us of the Vietnamese folk song "The cat climbs the areca tree. Asking where the mouse is. The mouse goes to the market far away. Buying fermented sauce and salt and sending to the cat's father". Or works of pine trees in the evening that they imagined themselves. Or just a photo of a glass of drinking water was also put on their drawings in the most vivid way.

"Everything is possible".



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