On September 23, 2021, the International Sign Language Day celebrated its 4th anniversary with the theme: Sign Language and Human Right, in order to raise awareness on the importance of sign language in recognizing and ensuring sufficient rights and benefits of Community of People with Hearing Loss (Deaf, Hard of Hearing, Late Deafened) in general and particularly the Deaf, who choose sign language is their main language for communication.
International Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities recognizes the presence of sign language as well as encourages member countries facilitating sign language learning. According to the convention, sign language is totally equal to other languagues. Sign language has sufficient natural communication factors and clear structure.
In Vietnam, Ministry of Education and Training issued the Decision 17/2020/TT-BGDĐT on June 29, 2020, regulating national standards on sign language for people with disabilities, showing care and legal recognition in order to foster education on sign language.
Nowaday, sign language is increasingly used more often in news on TV, in seminars, conferences, etc… Moreover, in daily activities (medical examination and treatment, go to bank, travel, …), the active support from sign language interpreters for the Deaf contributes to help the Deaf in social inclusion and ensuring better information access.
Center for Research and Education of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (CED) hopes that there will be more and more people know how to communicate in sign language in the future, as well as sign language interpretation will soon be recogized as an official profession.
Happy International Sign Language Day 23/09 and World Deaf Week (20-26/09/2021)!
Photo: Class 2 “Skills for Assisting People with Hearing Loss in Hospitals” after the session on basic sign language.
1.PARD Vietnam