The World Hearing Forum has been established by WHO, as a global network of stakeholders promoting ear and hearing care worldwide. Members of this advocacy network will commit to facilitating implementation of World Health Assembly resolution WHA70.13 on “Prevention of deafness and hearing loss” and supporting Member States in this regard.



WHA resolution WHA70.13  

Approximately 466 million people live with disabling hearing loss; of these, 34 million are children. In addition, 1.1 billion young people are at risk of hearing loss due to exposure to noise in recreational settings and through personal audio devices. It is expected that these numbers will rise considerably in the coming decades, unless action is taken to prevent and treat hearing loss.


The World Hearing Forum (2018-2025) will fill a critical gap by bringing a collective vision to advocacy and collaboration in this field. Through networking and by sharing knowledge, skills and experiences from the field, the World Hearing Forum will galvanize action towards a world in which no person experiences hearing loss due to preventable causes and those with hearing loss can achieve their full potential through early identification and appropriate management of their condition.


At present WHO is working closely with a designated Foundation Committee to set up the membership, steering committee and working groups. Members of the Foundation Committee are (in alphabetical order): Dr Arun Agarwal (Sound Hearing 2030); Mr Michael Chowen (Help for Hearing); Dr Rachel Hapunda (Regional Ear and Hearing Care Forum for East and Central Africa); Dr Amarilis Mendelez (Regional Ear and Hearing Care Forum for the Americas); Dr Long Mo (WHO network of Collaborating Centres); Dr Milan Profant (International Federation of Otolaryngological Societies); Dr Diego Santana (CBM); Dr James E. Saunders (Coalition for Global Hearing Health); Dr George Tavartkiladze (International Society of Audiology); Ms Ruth Warick (International Federation of Hard of Hearing); and Dr Stefan Zimmer (European Hearing Instruments Manufacturers’ Association).


Who can join the Forum?   Governmental and nongovernmental organizations; including disabled people’s organizations/ user groups, charitable/service organizations, professional societies, parent groups, regional fora (with defined structure), private sector entities including international business associations, philanthropic foundations and academic institutions can apply for membership of the Forum.


Applicants must:  

  • work actively in the field of ear and hearing care and committed to implementation of WHA resolution 70.13
  • have actions/activities in the public health domain of ear and hearing care
  • have a proper governance structure and transparent funding and reporting systems
  • engage actively in the work of the Forum, including participation in the annual Membership Assembly of the Forum
  • have a good standing and reputation in the field
  • Members should have international/regional/multi-national activities, wherever possible.


Membership will be for a 2-year period and can be renewed. 

Responsibilities of members: all members must: 

  • actively initiate and participate in the activities, discussions and deliberations of the Forum
  • participate in annual Forum meeting and working groups
  • promote the work, vision, goals and objectives of the Forum
  • share knowledge and information with other members of the Forum


How to apply?    

An online application for membership can be made using the link below. To apply, the following documents and information should be prepared beforehand: 

  • The mission of the organization
  • Type of work undertaken in the field of ear and hearing care
  • Statement explaining the motivation to join the Forum
  • A document showing the governance structure of the organization (needs to be uploaded on the form)
  • Activity reports for the past two years, highlighting public health activities (needs to be uploaded on the form)
  • List of financial contributors/funding sources (needs to be uploaded on the form)

Click here to access the application form


What happens after you apply?  

Once the application is received by WHO, it will be examined for completeness by WHO and an e-mail of acknowledgement will be sent. The steering committee will review all applications and make a recommendation to WHO. WHO will make a final determination after conducting a due diligence, in line with policies of its ‘Framework for engagement with Nonstate actors (FENSA)’.       

You can expect a response within six weeks of application. In case this is not received, you may request information by sending an email to


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