Education – Vocational Training - Inclusion

With more than 8 years experiences in education and community support, The Center for Research and Education of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (CED) is an enterprise of and for people with hearing loss that help our people to freely join the normal social life, building a positive image of Hear of Hearing community as well as connecting people to people in spite of who they are. 


CED realises that due to low contact in communication and education, their career counselling in the future has to be guided parallel with the normal education systems: What can they do if they have difficulties in communication and low intellectual ability? 

Painting is one of the most important activity in CED because they are very good at painting. Same as Compensation theory, they lose their hearing but are dextrous and lynx-eyed.


As we are committed to providing a good guidance for career development as well as supporting our hearing loss community, CED is pleased to receive any of your cooperation in every aspect in order to help our people with hearing loss. That’s what we called full- integration and wholeness.







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