Each session is a creation of art works. The theme of the art class at the Center for Research and Education of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (CED) today is “Chameleon”. Knowing the psychology of children who like colorful things, it is easy for teachers to include geckos in the drawing lesson. With the ability to camouflage by changing body color to hide, geckos can easily approach prey without their awareness.
The image of a gecko launching its long tongue very quickly to hunt shows a delicate observation from an artistic perspective. In addition, a few touches from the majestic mother nature created colorful images in each artwork from the hands of students with hearing loss.
Through the image of "Chameleon", the teacher also wants to convey the content to everyone that: "Chameleons not only change their body color to hide, but they are regulating their body temperature so that they are able to adapt to the surrounding environment. The image is also metaphorical, each student is hiding in order to integrate into the social community life in an equal and civilized manner.
"Everything is possible"