5 reasons you should learn Sign Language!

Do you know?

In some countries, Sign Language has gradually gained popularity and is one of the most learned languages. However, in Vietnam, Sign Language still remains unfamiliar to many people because we have little understanding of the meaning behind them. Let's take a look at 5 reasons why you should learn Sign Language with CED!

5 reasons you should learn Sign Language!

No.1: Develop thinking ability
Learning languages, including sign language, has multiple benefits that can help you in so many ways. It helps improve abstract and creative thinking, increase memory strength and concentration. According to some studies, learning Sign language can also strengthen learners' reasoning and cognitive ability, expand visual perception skills as well as form a stronger and more sensitive visual.

No.2: Diversity in self-expression
Sign language is considered to be a tool to communicate just like every other language in the world. That is why learning Sign language can help you express your thoughts and feelings better. You’ll be able to describe your ideas not only through words but also through body signs.

No.3: Expanding your chances at work or your career
There are about 3 million deaf people in Vietnam, but the percentage of well-trained sign language interpreters is very limited. Therefore, the need to recruit interpreters to serve the deaf in hospitals, courts, government agencies, voluntary organizations, educational agencies is very high.

No.4: Bringing everyone together
Knowing a new language not only helps you expand your relationships but also gives you an opportunity to become the one that connects people. There is nothing more interesting than being able to make friends from all over the world, exchanging and sharing knowledge with the help of knowing a new language.

No.5: It is a beautiful language
Sign language is rich, beautiful, emotional, and unique in its own way. The beauty of sign language is its mission to bring the disadvantaged community and society together. Being able to master a language that is expressed in physical form instead of words is a proud achievement of every learner. CED can assure you that all your efforts to learn sign language will pay off, one way or another!

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