CED Publications


Today in Viet Nam, there are a few books and documents saying about Deaf/ Hard of Hearing/ Deafened so the specialized books written for them are even rarely.


1. The Book: “Lipreading”. The readers can have 2 things: (1) How to learn English by Lipreading; (2)Practise the Lipreading technique. The book was translated by Ms Duong Phuong Hanh and her partners from origin “Living with Hearing Loss” written by Catherine E.Shearer Mary Ann Playford. Books are available at CED with the price: 150.000 VND/volume.




2. The Book: “The world of People with hearing loss” is a collection of the arcticles and translations which was posted in last 2 years on Tinh Thuong Magazine, Cuoc Song Magazine, Forum of Disibilities, online newspapers such as: International Federation of Hard of Hearing People (IFHOH), European Federation of Hard of Hearing People (EFHOH), International Federation of Hard of Hearing Young People (IFHOHYP) and European Association for Local Democracy (ALDA)…


The books tell about hearing-impaired people’s difficulties, the examples who always fights to get over their challenges, as well as some skill in communication, working and suport the deaf and hard of hearing around you… We hope this book will bring more dynamics to our community – people with hearing loss, the parents have more belief in their children and the students and teachers who are studying in Major of social work and special education will have more documents to research.


With all the best beloved and respect, we are really happy to give you this book  “The World of People with Hearing Loss” by author Duong Phuong Hanh. It was printed in May 2010 with the price 22.000VNĐ.



3. “The Handbook for supporters helping people with hearing loss get along with society”.

was published under the project “Enhancing the materials of teaching and learning for people with hearing loss” made by The Center For Research and Education of The Deaf and Hard of Hearing (CED) under the sponsor of Education For Development (EFD).


Supporters who help the deaf/hard of hearing/ deafened are beneficiaries from this handbook, they include: social workers, managers/ leaders who have staff with hearing loss, parents of children with hearing loss, teachers, students…


The guidebook is also useful for the deaf/hard of hearing/deafened, they can consider from experiences of themselves to show their difficuties and ask for the necessary support. And when they are invited to express their thoughts and ideas, they can do and say out loud their wish and assert themselves value, it’s time they really enjoy in social community.       


It’s a reference books for parents/caretakers/guardians who have children with hearing loss as well. In future, we have the right to expect a new generation of the deaf/hard of hearing/deafened – even though they use sign language or speaking – they will be more successful, independent and get more achivements, live helpfully for themselves, their families and their country. Price: 100.000VND/disk.




4.Vocabulary of Sign Language DVD includes 21 lessons for beginners. Price: 50.000VND/disk.



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